Dagens håndverksøl: Kirch Russell fra Brew York

Brew York
Kirch Russell
Cherry Pie Pastry Sour 6,5% 0,44l kr 121,70

Farge: Tåkete, dyp lilla med rødrosa skum
Her lukter det hvetebakstdeig, kirsebær og snev av yoghurt. Det er snev av kanel å spore her også. Men med en liten snurr i glasset, får man frem mer av det syrlige kirsebærpreget og yoghurten ligger langt bak, mens deigen er nesten helt borte.
Nå er jeg svak for kirsebær og da hjelper det jo stort at man har tilsatt 750 liter med presset kirsebærjuice i denne ølen.

Fyldig med lett syrlighet og elegant sødme fra kirsebærene, hjulpet frem med justeringer med laktose og malto. Ligger litt kjeks/paibunn i bakgrunnen her også.

Kirsch Russel er riktignok et dårlig ordspill, men gjengen fra bryggeriet ved elven Foss (man skulle tro det også var en lek med ord) tar igjen for sin ordspillhumor med gode fruktøl.
Andre ordspillnavn lyder Rhubarbra Streisand, Viva La Guava-lution og Nougat a friend in me, for å nevne noen.

Lasse L 9,25/10 Untappd 4,13

Slipplister for Tilleggsutvalget september 2022


Det var slipp hos Vinmonopolet igjen den 7. september og her får du slipplistene i Tilleggsutvalget.

Tidligere denne uken slapp Jan Egil’s ølblogg listene for Basis, Test og Bestillingsutvalgene, men under er det liste over nyheter i TU eller som Excel-fil her: Slipplister TU september


Art. nr.Produsent og mjødets navnStil%VolumPris
14756602Marlobobo Care FullMjød         11,5       0,375    349,90
Art. nr.Bryggeri og ølets navnStil %
14759902Mikkeller Big Worster Barley WineBarley wine         15,0       0,375    149,20
14776702Skudenes Bryggeri Teak Brown AleBrown ale           5,6       0,330       59,50
14757302Collective Arts x Thin Man Brewery Border Crossing IPAIndia pale ale           6,0       0,473       75,00
14610602Arundel Uptown NEIPAIndia pale ale           6,2       0,440       83,80
14774902Three Hills Veda Citra Single HopIndia pale ale           6,5       0,440    126,30
14775002Three Hills Sunshine Juice NEIPAIndia pale ale           6,0       0,440    125,00
14767002Brew York Imperial Eagle West Coast Double IPAIndia pale ale           9,0       0,440    124,00
14772202Pomona Island Therapy in dynamite DIPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440    119,90
14771502Northern Monk 13.07 The Final Vortex // Other Half // Equilibrium DDH IPAIndia pale ale           7,8       0,440    109,90
14771702Northern Monk Patrons 34.02 The Sun // Kings Brewing Co Sun-Kissed Tropical IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,440       99,90
14772302Pomona Island The Apollo Programme was a hoax West coast IPAIndia pale ale           6,8       0,440       99,90
14772402Pomona Island Energy fools the magicianIndia pale ale           7,1       0,440       99,90
14761202Azvex Space Telescopes IPAIndia pale ale           6,2       0,440       93,80
14610702Arundel Mosaic to the MaxIndia pale ale           6,0       0,440       84,60
14611602Arundel x Untiy End of Invention Apricot and Pear Sour IPAIndia pale ale           5,0       0,440       81,40
14763702Magic Rock Brewing Stiggy Pop New England IPAIndia pale ale           7,3       0,440       77,90
14763602Magic Rock Phase the Haze IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,440       75,00
14776402The Kernel IPA Citra Centennial MosaicIndia pale ale           6,8       0,330       67,70
14772702Põhjala x Finback Plywood Brothers IPAIndia pale ale           5,0       0,440       89,90
14772002The Piggy Tokamak QIPAIndia pale ale         11,0       0,440    119,90
14771902The Piggy brewing company Zappa sonica Double NEIPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440       99,90
14773102The Piggy Kyce NEIPAIndia pale ale           6,0       0,440       84,90
12977702The Piggy Eroica NEIPAIndia pale ale           6,1       0,440       74,90
12103902The Piggy Brewing Lupulin diktatIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440       99,90
14773802Moersleutel Crank crank the Juice juice NEDIPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440       99,90
14771202Kjerlingland Dual IPAIndia pale ale           8,5       0,330       78,90
14756002Grimaas Bryggeri HoppesIndia pale ale           6,2       0,330       60,10
14771002Bådin Vesterålen India Pale AleIndia pale ale           6,4       0,330       61,80
14310402Krecher SmoglingIndia pale ale         10,0       0,440    108,70
14308202Krecher DropbearIndia pale ale           6,8       0,440       98,50
14562502Salikatt Alley-oopIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440    104,90
14622002Rygr Seid Nelson Sauvin & Galaxy Dobble NEIPAIndia pale ale           8,3       0,330       78,80
14758602Jåttå #12India pale ale           6,0       0,330       70,10
14770802Monkey Brew Double Darwin DIPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440       84,50
14677702Austmann Classic IPAIndia pale ale           7,0       0,500       69,30
11014602Skifjorden Bryggeri Pikadeg Kveik IPAIndia pale ale           6,7       0,330       67,70
14761402Funky Fluid Smasher Cryo Pop B Blend QIPAIndia pale ale         11,0       0,500    112,80
14763202Oso Brew X Track Mad For It DIPAIndia pale ale           8,2       0,440    139,50
14763002Oso Brew + SOMA Empty OrchestraIndia pale ale           6,0       0,440    127,90
14763502Oso Brew Beer MarketIndia pale ale           6,3       0,440    124,70
14763102Oso Brew x Freddo Fox El ClasicoIndia pale ale           6,0       0,440    127,90
14775102Crooked Moon x Mikkeller Double IpaIndia pale ale           7,2       0,330       85,40
14775202Crooked Moon Brewing Trinity Double IpaIndia pale ale           8,4       0,330       84,90
14775502Omnipollo Anti-Imperialism DDH NebuchadnezzarIndia pale ale           8,5       0,440    109,50
14760202Duckpond Sweeper Double IpaIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440       99,80
14764502Schwarze Rose x Floem Fingerprint DIPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440    123,90
14764902Schwarze Rose x Blech Brut Mana NZ DIPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440    123,90
14764302Schwarze Rose Running Riot TIPAIndia pale ale           9,6       0,440    118,80
14765102Schwarze Rose FocusIndia pale ale           6,5       0,440    116,90
14764202Schwarze Rose – Two Tone – Dual Hop Series #1 – HBC735 + SimcoeIndia pale ale           7,2       0,440    116,80
14764402Schwarze Rose Two Tone Dual Hop Series #2 Mosaic + TalusIndia pale ale           7,2       0,440    116,80
14775702Blech.Brut Uplifted Mind Triple NE IpaIndia pale ale           9,5       0,440    115,00
14765002Schwarze Rose Boogie Safari West Coast IPAIndia pale ale           6,0       0,440       99,90
14775902Atelier Vrai Naked Shorts NE Double IpaIndia pale ale           7,4       0,440       99,90
14775802Blech.Brut Brightened Mood Duoble NE IpaIndia pale ale           7,8       0,440       99,70
14776002Atelier Vrai Paper Hands NeIpaIndia pale ale           6,7       0,440       98,40
14759602Protokoll What do you recommend NEIPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,440       88,70
14759702Protokoll Going all the way West coast IPAIndia pale ale           6,0       0,440       79,30
14770102Polly’s Totally Not Enormous DDH IPAIndia pale ale           7,2       0,440    101,70
14770202Polly’s Good Nature DIPAIndia pale ale           7,8       0,440    101,40
12680901Gulden Draak Cuvée Prestige LaphroaigKlosterstil         10,5       0,750    274,90
12681001Gulden Draak Cuvée prestige Bourbon editionKlosterstil         10,5       0,750    274,90
147704017 Fjell Unchained Quadrupel Rum BAKlosterstil         10,0       0,750    289,00
14757702Hombrosund Solkrogen PilsLys lager           5,6       0,330       49,80
14437102Floc WhisperPale ale           5,2       0,440    115,40
14538102UnBarred Session Pale Azacca & Ekuanot HopsPale ale           5,6       0,440    101,00
14767302Brew York The Floor Is Guava Sabro, Coconut & Guava PalePale ale           5,5       0,440       99,90
14776502The Kernel Pale Ale Nelson SauvinPale ale           5,2       0,330       62,30
13243202Põhjala Helge Gluten Free Pale AlePale ale           5,0       0,330       59,90
11969202Bådin Træna Hawaii Ananas Pale AlePale ale           5,6       0,330       64,10
14759402Lervig LoudspeakerPale ale           5,2       0,500       69,70
14677802Austmann Tre Gamle Damer Belgisk Pale AlePale ale           5,5       0,500       68,00
14764602Schwarze Rose Danger Nooldes Pale AlePale ale           4,9       0,440    109,20
14537301UnBarred Imperial Bueno Shake Chocolate & Hazelnut Milk Stout BA Buffalo TracePorter & stout         11,0       0,750    239,80
14774502Three Hills B.A. B.P.A.V.K. Caribbean RumPorter & stout         11,0       0,440    172,80
14761302Azvex Madagascan Infusion Imp Chocolate stoutPorter & stout         12,0       0,440    130,70
14774702Three Hills Breakfast stout Coffee oatmeal stoutPorter & stout           7,0       0,440    123,00
14766802Brew York Tiramoosu Tonkoko Coffee Coconut, Cacao Vanilla and TonkaPorter & stout           7,5       0,440    121,10
14537802UnBarred Choccy Chip Chocolate Chip Oatmeal StoutPorter & stout           6,8       0,440    112,90
14771802Northern Monk Patrons 24.06 Let It Flow // To Øl // Third Moon ImperialStoutPorter & stout         11,0       0,440    109,90
14766902Brew York Yorkshire Parky Yorkshire Parkin Milk StoutPorter & stout           5,4       0,440       99,70
14097502Brew York Big Toucan Nitro StoutPorter & stout           4,8       0,440       98,10
14770002Field Recordings Monument BA StoutPorter & stout         11,0       0,330       77,90
14772602Põhjala Cellar Series x To Øl Sticks & Stones Imperial StoutPorter & stout         13,5       0,330    135,00
14310202Krecher BonestrykePorter & stout         11,8       0,440    118,30
14310302Krecher DreadnautPorter & stout         11,8       0,440    118,30
14772502Moersleutel Motor oil Double vanillaPorter & stout         10,0       0,440    109,90
14773902Moersleutel x Funky Fluid Suska sechlonska Smoked plum stoutPorter & stout         12,0       0,440    109,90
14776102Central Bybryggeri Choco LocoPorter & stout           6,5       0,330       69,90
14759801Lervig Off the rack Kentucky bourbonPorter & stout         15,0       0,750    470,00
14678002Austmann Mare Balticum Baltisk PorterPorter & stout           9,5       0,500       89,80
14677902Austmann SjokoladestoutPorter & stout           6,0       0,500       69,80
147705017 Fjell Patience Bourbon BA Imp StoutPorter & stout         14,0       0,750    298,00
10537402Skifjorden Bryggeri Dækelen Stout med KveikPorter & stout           6,7       0,330       79,90
14757502Pinta Barrel Brewing Transition Barrel Aged Imperial StoutPorter & stout         14,0       0,330    126,90
14757402Pinta Barrel Brewing Immersion Barrel Aged Smoked Imperial PorterPorter & stout         13,0       0,330    124,90
14763302Oso Brew Mr. Ambassador Imperial Pastry StoutPorter & stout         10,0       0,440    139,60
14775602Omnipollo x Buxton Power Peanut Butter Biscuit Imperial stoutPorter & stout         11,5       0,330    129,90
14772102The Piggy Rebel monk IISaison farmhouse ale           5,8       0,330       89,90
14627102Warpigs x Cigar City Full Metal Cardigan BBA Barley WineSpesial         15,6       0,375    219,80
14773205Nevel Wild ales ApotheoseSpesial           6,5       1,500    999,00
147706017 Fjell Soul Serenade Flanders Style Red AleSpesial           5,9       0,750    249,00
14763802Stigbergets Collective Arts Wine Barrel Aged City PilsSpesial           5,5       0,330       62,50
14688602Lambiek Fabriek Muscar ElleSurøl           8,8       0,375    139,90
11213202Monk’s Cafe Flemish Sour AleSurøl           5,5       0,330       69,90
14759502Collective Arts Brewing Cherry Pie Imperial SourSurøl           7,5       0,473       89,90
14766501Trial & Ale PitahayaSurøl           6,0       0,750    300,10
14762301Trail & Ale An Equatorial DetourSurøl           6,7       0,750    299,90
14762401Trial & Ale 30.000 Steps Pineapple SourSurøl           7,1       0,750    299,90
14762601Trial & Ale A Saison ApparentSurøl           7,4       0,750    299,90
14762701Trial & Ale A Cordial Inviation Cherry SourSurøl           6,9       0,750    299,90
14766201Trial & Ale Orange Spheres in Blanket of WhiteSurøl           7,0       0,750    299,90
14766301Trial & Ale BrunchSurøl           7,1       0,750    299,90
14766601Trial & Ale Up Around Mount GroveSurøl           7,1       0,750    299,90
14767101Trial & Ale That Night at La ChozaSurøl           6,9       0,750    299,90
14767201Trial & Ale A Saison Brambled Wild Ale W/ BlackberrySurøl           7,4       0,750    299,90
14767401Trial & Ale An Era Of Sturm und DrangSurøl           6,2       0,750    299,90
14766101Trial & Ale Separated To A Degree Winter 2021/2022Surøl           7,0       0,750    299,40
14766401Trial & Ale Separated To A Degree Summer 2021Surøl           7,1       0,750    299,30
14766702Trial & Ale Writer´s Blanc Barrel Aged Mixed Fermentation Sour AleSurøl           6,0       0,473    119,50
14760101Baghaven Rubus of Rose Oak Aged Wild AleSurøl           6,3       0,750    329,60
14760001Baghaven Blanca Oak Aged Wild AleSurøl           9,8       0,750    290,10
13974701Mills Picture Pot Blend ThreeSurøl           6,0       0,750    234,50
14774602Three Hills Forbidden Sandwich Peanut Jam Pastry SourSurøl           5,5       0,440    124,80
14760802Brew York Mallowed Be Thy Name Dark Berry & Marshmallow Pastry SourSurøl           6,6       0,440    120,90
14542502Pomona Island O’Hanraha-HanrahanSurøl           5,5       0,440       99,90
14763402Gweilo x Brew York gweil lo Totally Tropical SourSurøl           6,5       0,440       99,80
12911002Brew York Goose WillisSurøl           5,3       0,440       90,00
14770302North x Vault City Fruited sourSurøl           6,0       0,440       86,60
14438202Birra del Borgo Duchessa sour AlbicoccheSurøl           6,3       0,330       79,90
14773301Nevel Wild ales JubelSurøl           5,6       0,750    224,90
14773402Nevel Wild ales GloedSurøl           5,8       0,375    149,90
14771102Bådin Survold Kettle Sour med bringebærSurøl           5,6       0,330       61,70
14562602Salikatt Blueberry PlungeSurøl           5,5       0,440    104,90
14622102Rygr Sure-Agnes Ananas & granteple surølSurøl           6,5       0,330       73,50
13504602ELØ Crimson Nebula Double Fruited SourSurøl           7,0       0,330       69,90
14757602Pinta Barrel Brewing Enology Barrel Aged Wild AleSurøl           7,5       0,375    118,90
14761502Funky Fluid x Pomona Island Triple Gelato Bakewell TartSurøl           9,0       0,500    108,00
14762902Oso Brew – Frutal II Blueberry Blackcurrant Berliner WeisseSurøl           6,5       0,440    119,90
14760502Omnipollo Bianca Dark Berries Marshmallow Lassi GoseSurøl           6,0       0,440    179,90
14760402Duckpond Darkwing De Luxe Qudruple Fruited Gose SourSurøl           9,0       0,440    157,60
14775402Duckpond Shiller Gose SourSurøl           6,0       0,330       84,80
14776202Fermenterarna Lips don’t lie fruited sourSurøl           6,0       0,440       84,10
14776302Fermenterarna Dream Garden Fruited SourSurøl           6,0       0,440       84,10
14765202Swartze Rose x Protokoll Club Tropicana Fruited SourSurøl           6,0       0,440    115,20
14765302Schwarze Rose x True Brew Rest In Peach Peach Sour GoseSurøl           6,0       0,440       99,90
14582102Marlobobo Mulders DreamMjød         10,5       0,375    344,90
13647202Salikatt SagittalBrown ale           8,0       0,440       89,90
14537102UnBarred Idaho 7 Weiss Hopped Bavarian Wheat BeerHveteøl           5,6       0,440    111,50
12248502Birra del Borgo Cortigiana BlancheHveteøl           4,8       0,330       64,90
14626502Warpigs Vicarious Living NEIPA PhantasmIndia pale ale           7,1       0,500    121,50
14576002Pressure Drop KarateIndia pale ale           7,4       0,440    119,90
14576102Pressure Drop Understanding Whole Systems NEIPAIndia pale ale           7,4       0,440    119,90
14576302Pressure Drop Hollywood Hunks West Coast IPAIndia pale ale           6,8       0,440    116,90
14611202Boxcar Amethyst EnigmaIndia pale ale           6,0       0,440    113,00
14611102Floc Easy Way Out DIPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440    135,90
14611402Floc Everything Starts SomewhereIndia pale ale           6,5       0,440    125,30
14611302Floc Superstitious West Coast IPAIndia pale ale           6,8       0,440    122,30
14536902UnBarred NEIPAIndia pale ale           6,6       0,440    117,20
14551202Marakai New Zealand…Rocks!!! NZIPAIndia pale ale           5,7       0,440    111,20
14582702Deya Travelling In A Straight Line IPAIndia pale ale           6,8       0,500    108,30
14562702Salikatt Pulsed FusionIndia pale ale         10,0       0,440    119,90
14617602Skudenes Bryggeri Devil FishIndia pale ale         10,0       0,330       79,00
14612702Hogna Humlesnurr Norwegian Honey NEIPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,440       84,80
12057802Elø Wire Fraud Double Paidhops NEIPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,330       69,40
14615802Slakteren Brygghus ØstIndia pale ale           6,5       0,440       95,10
14615902Slakteren Brygghus VestIndia pale ale           7,0       0,440       89,50
14623002Funky Fluid DDH Triple Talus NEIPAIndia pale ale           9,0       0,500    109,20
14623102Funky Fluid Various Forms of Existence Hazy IPAIndia pale ale           5,0       0,500       78,90
14627002Brewski Stolen DIPAIndia pale ale           9,0       0,330       79,80
14561202Stigbergets x Omnipollo Uno 2 Double Hazy IPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440       99,80
14622402Brewheart Magic Mosaic DDH IPAIndia pale ale           6,8       0,440       89,80
14626402Mikkeller San Diego Subway Mosaic Hazy IpaIndia pale ale           6,0       0,473    118,40
14546002Mikkeller San Diego Tumble Dry Low West Coast IPAIndia pale ale           7,5       0,473    109,00
14622302Polly’s Retrorenegade DDH DIPAIndia pale ale           8,9       0,440    108,10
14622502Polly’s Wonder Cryo IPAIndia pale ale           5,9       0,440       89,10
14576202Pressure Drop Alsatian Pils Export StrenghtLys lager           6,0       0,440    104,90
14582602Deya Brett PilsLys lager           4,8       0,440       86,10
14583102Rygr x Grans Gokstad Tysk PilsnerLys lager           5,2       0,330       60,60
14583202Rygr x Grans Oseberg Tjekkisk PilsnerLys lager           5,2       0,330       60,60
14582902Sibeeria Taumata NZ PilsLys lager           4,8       0,500       71,80
14576502Pressure Drop Pale Fire American Pale AlePale ale           4,8       0,440    102,90
14610902Brew York x Neon Raptor Clever GylePale ale           5,1       0,440    108,80
14551102Merakai Postcard From The Coast Session Pale AlePale ale           5,4       0,440    107,70
14610802Brew York Dame Judi Quench DDH PalePale ale           5,2       0,440       88,90
14622602North x North Bar West Coast PalePale ale           5,8       0,440       78,20
14622702North x Rivington DDH Pale AlePale ale           5,5       0,440       74,70
14552402Stolt Bahia GrandePale ale           5,5       0,440       70,80
14575902Pressure Drop Cast Iron Billy Imperial Brown StoutPorter & stout         10,5       0,440    121,90
14576402Pressure Drop Black Treacle StoutPorter & stout           8,5       0,440    118,40
14610502Brew York x Tiny Rebel Wild Turkey BA Rocky Road Ice Cream Pastry StoutPorter & stout         14,0       0,330    137,40
14611002Brew York Reece´s With A Spoon Peanut Butter Cup Imerial StoutPorter & stout         12,0       0,440    134,20
14551002Merakai Drinking Cos My Mouth Is Lonely 2Porter & stout           5,8       0,440    110,70
14626302Amundsen Donut Series Dark Choc PecanPorter & stout         11,5       0,440    111,90
14626102Amundsen Donut Series Peanut Butter CupPorter & stout           7,0       0,440       91,90
14621602Lervig Rackhouse Original Sin Québecois Maple Syrup BarrelPorter & stout         12,2       0,375    199,00
14621802Lervig Rackhouse Original Sin Bourbon BarrelPorter & stout         12,5       0,375    198,90
14621502Lervig Peanut Better Salted Peanut Butter Nitro StoutPorter & stout         11,5       0,440    144,90
14626802Omnipollo x Side Project Billionaire’s Hot Chocolate StoutPorter & stout         13,7       0,330    297,50
14626602Omnipollo Samantha BA StoutPorter & stout         12,5       0,330    216,10
14537402UnBarred x Drop Project Saison with New Zeland Motueka & Riwaka HopsSaison farmhouse ale           5,7       0,440    110,90
14614902The Piggy Midsummer Sparks Hoppy SaisonSaison farmhouse ale           5,6       0,440       84,90
14442402Bådin 500 SaisonSaison farmhouse ale         11,6       0,330    136,70
14534801Mills x Queer Nelson SaisonSpesial           4,8       0,750    233,30
14534701Mills Saison Cider CaskSpesial           5,2       0,750    227,20
14626702Omnipollo x The Veil Tefnut Blueberry Maple PancakeSurøl         10,0       0,330    139,30
14550902Merakai Everyday is MangonificentSurøl           6,5       0,440    124,50
14558802Ārpus Brewing But where is passionfruit Imperial Sour AleSurøl           7,5       0,440       89,90
14625902Amundsen Donut Series Red VelvetSurøl           6,0       0,440       91,90
14621702Lervig Nitro Pineapple Strawberry Kiwi SourSurøl           6,6       0,440    110,40
14583002Rygr Sure Inga Ingefær & Hylleblomst SurølSurøl           6,5       0,330       65,00
14445102Monkey Brew Trilobite Blend #4Surøl           7,0       0,375    119,90
14626902Omnipollo Pleroma Orange Pineapple Crème Brûlée SourSurøl           6,0       0,330       79,80
14582501Wild Creatures Te Rheum BA SourSurøl           7,5       0,750    199,60
14582802Sibeeria Yummy Pink Guava, Peach, Passion Fruit & VanillaSurøl           5,4       0,500       93,30
14548702Central Bybryggeri og Brix Brygghus DommedagBarley wine         12,5       0,330    119,90
14546402Mikkeller Burst West Coast Pale AleIndia pale ale           5,5       0,440       74,70
14535602Boxcar Galaxy Meditations DIPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440    108,60
14535702Boxcar No ThingIndia pale ale           6,0       0,440       95,70
14530502Beak StrawsIndia pale ale           7,0       0,440    124,90
14530702Beak x Bundobust Clobber DIPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440    124,30
14546102Neon Raptor Minotaur Shock DipaIndia pale ale           8,2       0,440    119,50
14443702Cloudwater x Verdant The Mashup DIPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440    115,90
14546202Neon Raptor Mask of Dalmatia DDH IpaIndia pale ale           6,8       0,440    110,50
14539602Neon Raptor Adventure Call NeipaIndia pale ale           6,4       0,440    108,30
14550302Azvex Suburban Crocodile IPAIndia pale ale           7,1       0,440    101,80
14550102North Double TransmissionIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440    100,10
14342802Buxton 50Fifty IPA Mosaic:JesterIndia pale ale           5,5       0,440       75,00
14550402The Kernel India Pale Ale CitraIndia pale ale           6,9       0,330       67,70
14529802pus QDH Galaxy x Vic Secret x Strata x Nelson QIPAIndia pale ale         12,0       0,440    108,80
14529702Āpus TDH Vic Secret Spectrum x Citra x Mosaic x Enigma TIPAIndia pale ale         10,0       0,440    100,00
14529602pus Brewing Co TDH Citra 2021 DIPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440       89,80
10718202Oslo Brewing India Pale AleIndia pale ale           6,2       0,330       49,90
14500002Lervig Tasty juice extra juicyIndia pale ale           6,2       0,500       88,90
14500102Lervig Tasty Juice Tropical MilkshakeIndia pale ale           6,1       0,500       82,90
12701402Jåtta Mango flørt Mango IPAIndia pale ale           6,0       0,330       70,30
14548502Monkey Brew Tranquility West Coast IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,440       69,90
14499602Disko Mondo India Pale AleIndia pale ale           7,0       0,440       98,60
14550602Funky Fluid Four Twenty Ten DDH TIPAIndia pale ale           9,0       0,500       99,50
14529002Cierzo Brewing Green Team NZ Hop Double Hazy IPAIndia pale ale           9,0       0,440       95,60
14531302Garage Moxee, WA. IPAIndia pale ale           7,0       0,440       90,90
14531402Garage Cèntric Ipa del BarrioIndia pale ale           5,0       0,330       53,60
14341602Omnipollo Other Half I’m With Stupid HDHC IPAIndia pale ale           7,1       0,440    112,80
14540802Blech.Brut GreenHorn IPAIndia pale ale           6,8       0,440       98,30
14549602Brewheart x LaQuince Spaceman DDH IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,440       92,40
14552302AleSmith Party Tricks West Coast IPAIndia pale ale           6,8       0,473    104,90
14539502Recycled Brewing Who Throws A ShoeIndia pale ale           8,0       0,473    152,60
14539302Recycled Brewing Immersion Hazy IPAIndia pale ale           7,0       0,473    147,10
14539402Recycled Brewing Beds Give Me NightmaresIndia pale ale           7,0       0,473    147,10
14530802Beak Tetty Super Noble PilsLys lager           5,6       0,440       99,70
14549702North x Cloudwater West Coast PilsLys lager           5,0       0,440       68,90
14555602Habesha BeerLys lager           5,0       0,330       39,00
14548602Rygr Djerv Hoppy LagerLys lager           5,2       0,330       47,20
14351102Skudenes Atlas PilsLys lager           5,4       0,330       41,80
14540902Blech.Brut Helles Dry Hopped Lager HellesLys lager           5,3       0,440       79,70
14530602Beak ColourPale ale           5,4       0,440    105,70
14535402Brew York Grapefruit Lupu Lion American Pale AlePale ale           5,0       0,440    102,10
14550502The Kernel Pale Ale MosaicPale ale           5,5       0,330       62,20
14549402Central Bybryggeri Brøl Toasted Pale AlePale ale           5,5       0,330       59,90
14549802Brewheart The Hopart ExhibitionPale ale           5,9       0,440       83,00
14531502Fraugruber Lice Ice In Sunshine Pale AlePale ale           5,3       0,440       78,50
14534602Tartarus Charon Maple, Pecan & Vanilla Imperial StoutPorter & stout         13,0       0,330    150,10
14535002Tartarus Slenderman Cookies & Cream Imperial StoutPorter & stout         11,0       0,330    142,00
14534502Tartarus OgunPorter & stout           9,5       0,330    123,20
14537902Tartarus Pishacha Export India PorterPorter & stout           6,8       0,330    120,40
14535502Brew York Central Dark Vanilla Oatmeal StoutPorter & stout           4,9       0,440       96,90
14542402Moersleutel Barcode Platinum and PinkPorter & stout         15,0       0,440    159,90
14414402Kaab Sjokolade i Svingen Lys PorterPorter & stout           5,8       0,330       63,30
14499802Lervig Rackhouse Off the rack Australian dark rum 2021Porter & stout         13,2       0,375    220,00
13918202Lervig x Põhjala Rackhouse Night By The LakePorter & stout         13,3       0,375    219,40
14543702Lervig Rackhouse Dulce de lechePorter & stout         15,1       0,375    210,40
14499902Lervig x Amundsen Rackhouse From Norway with lovePorter & stout         13,3       0,375    210,00
14529402Lervig Rackhouse Coconut coffee stoutPorter & stout         12,8       0,375    205,40
14500202Lervig Rackhouse StoutellaPorter & stout         13,0       0,375    200,00
12260002Skudenes Dørk Chocolate Milk StoutPorter & stout           8,0       0,330       69,60
14540402Omnipollo Noa Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Stout 2022Porter & stout         14,5       0,330    194,00
14540702Mikkeller San Diego x Voodoo The Last OG TreyPorter & stout         14,4       0,500    325,30
14539202Recycled Brewing Co Gravity Calamity Imp Stout Chocolate + VanillaPorter & stout         11,5       0,473    249,70
10787001Burning Sky Saison de PêcheSaison farmhouse ale           6,3       0,750    225,00
14534902Tartarus BakuSaison farmhouse ale           6,3       0,330    102,90
14549302Central Bybryggeri RustikkSaison farmhouse ale           6,0       0,330       59,90
14534402Tartarus Rapunzel Belgian Style BlondSpesial           7,1       0,330    103,90
14537702Tartarus Will-O-The-Wisps WitbierSpesial           4,8       0,330       97,10
14549502Central Bybryggeri x Drum Brew Duke Imperiel WitbierSpesial           8,5       0,330       74,90
13263401Lervig Rackhouse AmbienceSpesial           6,0       0,750    205,00
14540001Baghaven Reflections of Matter Noyeaux Aged Wild AleSurøl           6,0       0,750    346,00
14546301Baghaven Pántáo Aged Wild AleSurøl           6,0       0,750    280,70
14535802Boxcar Raspblueberry Fruited SourSurøl           5,0       0,440       94,60
14530902Beak Mush Mango SourSurøl           6,0       0,440    114,90
14537502Tartarus Rearea Strawbeery, Lime & Coconout SoutSurøl           6,3       0,440    133,40
14552502Staggeringly Good x Fermenterarna Hold My Thumbs Blood Orange, Lemon, Carrot VanSurøl           6,5       0,440    110,70
14550202Azvex Lorentz Attractor Smoothie sourSurøl           6,2       0,440       98,70
14530401Tommie Sjef VoórSurøl           6,0       0,750    443,90
14522301Tommie Sjef KriekSurøl           6,6       0,750    443,70
14543802Lervig Mango tangSurøl           7,0       0,330       74,50
14550702Funky Fluid Gelato Passionfruit, Mango & PeachSurøl           5,0       0,500       75,30
14540102Duckpond x Little Rain Guava Jelly GoseSurøl           6,0       0,330       84,30
14531602Fraugruber Fraugruberlicious Raspberry Vanilla Double Fruited SourSurøl           6,0       0,440       89,00
14445901Mjøderiet SvartorseterMjød         11,0       0,750    299,40
12348402Buxton King Slayer DIPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440       89,90
14447002rpus Brewing Co DDH Nelson x Motueka Double New England IPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440       99,90
14343702Bådin Tønder Bay Citra & Talus NEIPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,330       76,10
14343802Bådin Surreal V3 DDH Sour IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,330       75,00
14443402Sleeping Village Mirror Pyramid Spelt IPAIndia pale ale           6,8       0,440       82,50
12113902Skudenes Solbris NEIPAIndia pale ale           7,0       0,330       75,70
14444402Ølbæks Sommer IPAIndia pale ale           5,8       0,330       58,90
14445202Monkey Brew Hop Comet NEIPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,440       79,90
14467502Elø Crippling Debt New England IPAIndia pale ale           7,0       0,330       69,90
14467602Elø High Tide Double IPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,330       65,40
14444202Freddo Fox Beat The Heat Tropical Milkshake IPAIndia pale ale           7,0       0,330       67,40
14444102Freddo Fox Use Your Imagination West Coast IPAIndia pale ale           6,6       0,330       63,90
14334302Brewheart The Beauty and the Yeast TIPAIndia pale ale           9,9       0,440    108,70
14444302Ølbæks Sommer PilsLys lager           5,0       0,330       55,80
14423102Collective Arts Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial PorterPorter & stout         11,5       0,355       99,90
14447102Ārpus Brewing Orange x Vanilla Imperial StoutPorter & stout         12,0       0,440    114,90
14450602Ārpus Brewing Maple x Vanilla Imperial Milk StoutPorter & stout         12,0       0,440    114,90
14341502Omnipollo Equilibrium All Wise Peanut Banana Oreo Mud Pie StoutPorter & stout         12,5       0,330    194,20
14341702Omnipollo x Angry Chair Lunar Lycan Imperial Marzipan Coffee Cream StoutPorter & stout         11,5       0,330    178,10
14337702Jackie O’s Bourbon Barrel Dark Apparition Imperial StoutPorter & stout         13,8       0,375    289,90
14439102The Kernel Biére De Saison DamsonSaison farmhouse ale           4,9       0,330       82,00
14419302Jåttå Miss bitterSpesial           5,5       0,330       55,20
144412013 Fonteinen Druif Muscaris No. 16 20|21Surøl           9,1       0,750    390,00
144411013 Fonteinen Druif/Kriek Dornfelder No. 26 20|21Surøl           8,3       0,750    350,00
14340601Baghaven Kaleidoscope of Ambrosia B1Surøl           6,0       0,750    237,20
14443802Cloudwater Orange & Passionfruit BreezeSurøl           7,0       0,440    103,10
14467402Elø Fruity Seduction Triple Fruited SourSurøl           7,0       0,330       75,00
14433202Brewheart Conversations With Blueberry More Ultra Fruited SourSurøl           5,5       0,440       99,10
14443602Sudden Death Not your grandma’s rote grütze fruited sourSurøl           5,0       0,440       82,30
14336402Alefarm Strains DIPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440    107,40
14336102Alefarm Set Ablaze The Secrets We Conceal WC IPAIndia pale ale           6,0       0,440       93,90
14334502Stillwater Artisanal New Sensation Kveik IPAIndia pale ale           6,9       0,440       86,10
14334602North Future Skies Lemon IPAIndia pale ale           6,0       0,440       65,80
14347402Raus Hubro New England IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,330       65,60
14304402Jåttå Gårdsbryggeri #10India pale ale           8,0       0,330       75,30
12503702Skudenes Thruster Mango Milkshake IPAIndia pale ale           7,0       0,330       71,80
14343102Rygr Halvdan Aprikos IPA LiteIndia pale ale           5,5       0,330       47,10
14351402Monkey Brew Hop Luminosity DIPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440       99,90
14305002Pinta & Ārpus Hazy Discovery RigaIndia pale ale           7,0       0,500       89,90
14341902Brewski The Snow King Cold IPAIndia pale ale           6,6       0,330       72,50
14304802Stigbergets Sugar Ape New England Triple IPAIndia pale ale         10,0       0,440       99,90
14304602Stigbergets Double Headed DDH West Coast IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,440       89,90
14341402Omnipollo Vladan IPAIndia pale ale           6,1       0,330       77,60
12487702Mad Scientist Jam72 IPAIndia pale ale           7,2       0,440       58,90
14320702Lindesnes HavglimtLys lager           6,5       0,370       85,00
11924602Ayinger FrühlingsbierLys lager           5,5       0,500       56,90
14304702Stigbergets Atlas DDH Pale AlePale ale           5,2       0,440       79,90
12260902Põhjala Armchair Detective Cellar SeriesPorter & stout         12,0       0,330       99,90
3830502Pohjala Pime Öö Imperial StoutPorter & stout         13,6       0,330       89,90
8161002Põhjala Cocobänger Imperial StoutPorter & stout         12,5       0,330       79,90
13734202Põhjala Peel and Bean Imperial PorterPorter & stout           8,5       0,330       49,90
14144902Dot Brew Contains Nuts Barrel Aged 2022Porter & stout         11,6       0,330       97,10
14303702The Garden Brewery Double Imperial Affogato StoutPorter & stout         11,7       0,440    110,10
14303602The Garden Brewery Imperial Raspberry & Coconut StoutPorter & stout           8,5       0,440    100,10
14342002Brewski Buena Para El Papa! Si, no Russian Imperial StoutPorter & stout         11,0       0,330       79,70
14342102Mikkeller San Diego Polly 7 BBA Stout Maple Syrup, Vanilla Beans & CoffeePorter & stout         12,8       0,500    331,10
14342202Mikkeller San Diego Beer Geek Breakfast Coffee & Oatmeal StoutPorter & stout           7,5       0,473    128,50
14334402Field Recordings A Hymn For The Fields SaisonSaison farmhouse ale           8,0       0,440       85,40
14336202Stillwater Artisanal Rosé Gold SaisonSaison farmhouse ale           5,0       0,440       70,10
14341001Omnipollo Potlatch SaisonSaison farmhouse ale           7,0       0,750    195,50
14340501Baghaven Prunus and Pithos blend 1Surøl           6,0       0,750    259,00
14304202Ārpus Brewing Lychee x Mango x Lime Imperial Sour AleSurøl           7,5       0,440       91,60
14343602Central Bybryggeri Sour HopsSurøl           6,5       0,330       69,90
11715402Salikatt Mango SmoothieSurøl           5,5       0,330       71,90
14351002Skudenes Summer CandySurøl           6,0       0,330       64,90
11602002Monkey Brew Trilobite ApricotSurøl           7,0       0,375    139,90
11156701Kinn Rekved Nr. 8 TyttebærSurøl           6,0       0,750    139,00
14340902Omnipollo x The Veil Tefnut Marshmallow Passout GoseSurøl         10,0       0,330    133,20
14208202Omnipollo x The Veil Tefnut Ice Lolly Gose with Orange, Pineapple & MarshmallowsSurøl         10,0       0,330    114,90
14341802Omnipollo Pleroma Blackcurrant RaspberrySurøl           6,0       0,330       89,80
14340302Mad Scientist Unsafe Space Berliner WeisseSurøl           4,9       0,440       54,90
14340402Mikkeller San Diego Passion Pool Gose Sea Salt + passionFruitSurøl           5,0       0,473       89,80
14334202Polly’s Mind The Glow Grape, Kiwi & Rhubarb SourSurøl           5,5       0,440       86,90
14245602Central Bybryggeri Emperor Barley WineBarley wine         10,5       0,330    119,90
14234702Rygr Valhall Barley Wine Jamaica Black Rum ed.Barley wine         12,0       0,330    199,70
14234102Monkey Brew Old SlothBarley wine         11,0       0,440    109,90
14218402Mikkeller San Diego Nagelfar Bourbon BA Barley WineBarley wine         11,6       0,500    320,60
14234802Alefarm Afterglow DIPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440    104,90
14258602Staggeringly Good Ekuanodon Ekuanot Hazy IPAIndia pale ale           7,4       0,440    104,10
14224202Track Dreaming of… DDH IPA GalaxyIndia pale ale           6,5       0,440    102,20
13973202F**k Cancer Beer Project My Name’s on That CanIndia pale ale           5,0       0,440    100,80
12234502Verdant Bloom IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,440       99,90
14258502Staggeringly Good BRU 2 DDH NEIPAIndia pale ale           6,8       0,440       99,50
14224402Whiplash Temporary pleasure DIPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440       96,40
14245502Central Bybryggeri Twisted Monk belgisk IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,330       70,30
14226402Central Bybryggeri Highway West Coast IPAIndia pale ale           7,5       0,330       69,80
12058002Bådin 8011 Dobbel IPAIndia pale ale           9,0       0,330       69,80
14227902Raus Bryggeri IPAIndia pale ale           6,3       0,330       58,90
14238602Skudenes Sunrise NeipaIndia pale ale           7,0       0,330       75,20
14238502Skudenes Admiral Nelson NeipaIndia pale ale           6,8       0,330       72,10
14219202Hogna Flux CapacitorIndia pale ale           7,0       0,440       79,90
14221402Disko Brewing DevilProject.beer Hazy GhostIndia pale ale           6,6       0,440       98,40
14232002Overtone Broken Clouds TIPAIndia pale ale         10,5       0,440    129,90
14208002Omnipollo x Monkish Space Cookie Double IPAIndia pale ale           8,2       0,440    115,80
14218302Omnipollo Lorpan IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,330       82,30
14213402Omnipollo DDH Maz Pale AleIndia pale ale           5,6       0,330       79,00
14223702Brewheart x La Quince Wild at heart DIPAIndia pale ale           8,2       0,440    101,20
14218702Blech.Brut Power Up IPAIndia pale ale           6,8       0,440       98,30
14079102Equilibrium Vulgar Display of Flower DIPAIndia pale ale           8,5       0,473    134,90
14232602Hop Butcher For The World To Know Is To Love DIPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,473    149,90
14232402Mikerphone Check 1, 2 DDH DIPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,473    139,90
14232902Saint Errant Times In Torrent DDH IPAIndia pale ale           7,5       0,473    139,90
14232702Hop Butcher For The World Polycrystal IPAIndia pale ale           7,3       0,473    139,60
14240602BrewYork Golden Eagle PilsnerLys lager           4,8       0,440       75,10
14205002BrewDog Tree Haus Wood Aged HellesLys lager           6,0       0,330       51,90
14234902Alefarm DDH Spirit Level Pale AlePale ale           5,4       0,440       89,40
14244002Graff Lupulicious Pale AlePale ale           5,5       0,330       64,90
14242302Elø Elevation American Pale AlePale ale           6,0       0,330       51,80
14218802Blech.Brut Side Scroller Pale AlePale ale           5,5       0,440       89,30
14212602Polly’s Now Here, No where DDH Pale alePale ale           5,6       0,440       84,40
13973002F**K Cancer Beer Project Old Street Brewery Breakfast Before The MaypolePorter & stout         10,0       0,440    141,20
14012302Tartarus Marshmallow AbaddonPorter & stout         17,0       0,330    163,70
13972802F**K Cancer Beer Project Loch Lomond BactaPorter & stout         12,0       0,440    160,60
13973102F**K Cancer Beer Project Farm Yard Ales You Had a Busy Day TodayPorter & stout         11,0       0,440    148,70
13972902F**K Cancer Beer Project Twisted Wheel Brew Fighting Back The TitansPorter & stout         10,0       0,440    135,20
14012402Tartarus Piasa Breakfast StoutPorter & stout           8,2       0,330    118,10
12921102Amundsen Dessert In a Can BA Coconut Choc Chip Cookie Pastry StoutPorter & stout         11,5       0,330    111,90
12921302Amundsen Dessert In a Can BA Tonka & Caramel Swirl Ice-Cream Pastry StoutPorter & stout         11,5       0,330    111,90
12921702Amundsen Wired Salted Caramel Flat White Imperial Pastry StoutPorter & stout         11,5       0,440    101,90
12672602Amundsen Root of Darkness Salted Raspberry, Chocolate & LicoricePorter & stout         12,0       0,440       81,90
14234602Rygr Hugin BBA Imp. Stout Nortico Kakao ed.Porter & stout         16,5       0,330    197,80
14234202Monkey Brew Cygnus X-1 Imperial StoutPorter & stout         10,0       0,440    139,90
14221302Disko Brewing Moto 100 Barrel Aged Imperial SjokoladestoutPorter & stout         11,2       0,330    178,20
14207202Funky Fluid Pastry Chef Peanut Butter CupPorter & stout         11,0       0,330    107,30
14207402Funky Fluid Pastry Chef TiramisuPorter & stout         11,0       0,330    107,30
14208402Omnipollo x Camba Bavaria Free Lunch Chocolate & Vanilla Sprinkled Pretzel ImpPorter & stout         11,0       0,440    150,80
14207702Omnipollo x Siren x Dave Strachan Lorelei 6th Anniversary StoutPorter & stout         10,5       0,330    145,40
14207802Omnipollo In Plenty Almond Coffee StoutPorter & stout         12,0       0,330    132,50
14207902Omnipollo x Dugges Anagram Blueberry Hazelnut Coffee Cheesecake StoutPorter & stout         12,0       0,330    132,50
14218502Mikkeller San Diego x Alesmith Powers To Be Brandy & Bourbon BA Imperial StoutPorter & stout         13,0       0,500    320,20
14079902KCBC Ping Pong Pandamonium PorterPorter & stout           6,0       0,473    119,90
14143402Mikkeller San Diego Bourbon Barrel Aged Viking ShakePorter & stout         13,0       0,473    216,60
14243502Bådin 500 Saison lagret på hvitvinstønnerSaison farmhouse ale         11,6       0,330    136,70
14227502Graff GårdsguttSaison farmhouse ale           6,5       0,330       64,90
14012002Tartarus Rosechaard Belgian Style PlumSpesial           7,5       0,330    118,40
14218101Baghaven Rubus of Kriek VaniljeSurøl           7,0       0,750    345,60
14196401Baghaven Reflections of Matter Oak Aged Wild Ale Raspberries, Apricots,grapesSurøl           6,0       0,750    269,90
14258402Staggeringly Good Wrecker Brust BlueberrySurøl           8,5       0,440    121,70
14244502Folkingebrew Sour Sequence #2Surøl           8,0       0,440    112,30
14245002Central Bybryggeri Salty Tytts Goose med tyttebærSurøl           6,5       0,330       70,30
14234302Rygr Sure-Pia Trippelfruktet Plomme SurølSurøl           6,0       0,330       81,00
14234402Rygr Sure-Tina Tindved Plomme SurølSurøl           6,0       0,330       78,60
14234502Rygr Sure-Magda Mango Lime SurølSurøl           6,0       0,330       78,60
14231202Vault City x Brewgooder x Bruichladdich Barrel Aged Whisky SourSurøl         11,0       0,375    164,90
14231102Vault City Raspberry Kir RoyaleSurøl         11,5       0,375    124,90
14231302Vault City Apple Bramble Cinnamon CobblerSurøl           8,0       0,375    114,90
12828802Valut City Strawberry SkiesSurøl           8,5       0,375    109,90
14218202Omnipollo Bianca Lassi GoseSurøl           6,0       0,330       88,60
13928402O/O Brewing A.B.WBarley wine         10,0       0,330       79,90
14076602Alefarm Dayglow IPAIndia pale ale           6,0       0,440       95,10
14147302Neon Raptor Singles In Your AreaIndia pale ale           6,5       0,440    110,70
14155302Alpha Delta Phalanx 135 Minute IPAIndia pale ale         10,3       0,440       98,90
14080902North Lost Cosmonauts DDH IPAIndia pale ale           6,0       0,440       80,50
14073002Qvart Skodde NEIPAIndia pale ale           6,0       0,440       75,60
14070902Jåttå Gårdsbryggeri Påske IPAIndia pale ale           6,0       0,330       64,80
14151702Harstad Bryggeri India pale ale 1.0India pale ale           7,0       0,330       54,90
14081002Fæby Lausreipa IPAIndia pale ale           7,0       0,440       84,80
14138802Slakterens Ctrl+CIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440       94,80
14076902Funky Fluid DDH Cheeky NEIPAIndia pale ale           6,7       0,500       81,50
14170602Sibeeria Capulin NEIPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,500       96,30
14145002Blech.Brut Primitive Kingdom DNEIPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440    104,90
14146002Blech.Brut Human Extingction NEIPAIndia pale ale           7,5       0,440       99,10
3504702Dupont Bons VæuxKlosterstil           9,5       0,375       59,90
11419702Homborsund Svartskjær Belgisk QuadrupelKlosterstil         10,0       0,330       66,30
8182502Homborsund Vesterled TrippelLys ale           8,5       0,330       67,70
10142102Homborsund Merrefua BlondeLys ale           6,0       0,330       65,10
14151502Harstad Bryggeri x Bryggeri 13 SommerpilsLys lager           5,5       0,330       44,90
14144602Omnipollo x FrauGruber UtflyktLys lager           4,8       0,440       76,30
14147702Skudenes HarbourPale ale           5,5       0,330       56,90
14053402Omnipollo Lazer Focused Drinking Experience FlorealePale ale           5,5       0,330       75,40
14155502Alpha Delta Echo Chilli & Chocolate Imp. StoutPorter & stout         11,7       0,440    113,90
14145702Third Barrel The Darkness 2021 Imperial StoutPorter & stout           9,0       0,440    114,70
14144802Dot Brew Salted Caramel Imperial StoutPorter & stout         11,2       0,330       96,10
14194002Rygr Hugin BA Imperial Stout Tennessee WhiskeyPorter & stout         16,0       0,330    190,30
14053602Omnipollo Noa Pecan Mud Cake Buffalo Fluff Barrel Aged Imperial StoutPorter & stout         13,0       0,330    279,10
14144702Mikkeller San Diego Beer Geek Cocoa ShakePorter & stout         13,6       0,473    169,70
14151302Harstad Bryggeri Madame MørchSaison farmhouse ale           6,0       0,330       54,50
14151602Harstad Bryggeri SaisonSaison farmhouse ale           6,0       0,330       52,50
9793002Tilquin Oude Gueuze à l’ancienneSurøl           7,0       0,375       96,90
14147202Neon Raptor The Endless Blackness of SpaceSurøl           5,5       0,440    106,40
14145902Dot Brew Wild 4yr Old Barrel Aged Wild RaspberrySurøl           7,2       0,375    132,30
14150102Rygr Sure-Kirsten Trippelfruktet Kirsebær SurølSurøl           6,5       0,330       80,80
14155702Rygr Sure-Solveig Trippelfruktet solbær surølSurøl           6,5       0,330       80,80
12415902Elø Red Harvest Fruited SourSurøl           5,5       0,330       64,30
14143602Omnipollo Bianca Matcha Lassi GoseSurøl           6,0       0,440    109,80
14053302Duckpond Moonbag GoseSurøl           6,0       0,330       86,10
14017402Monkey Brew x Marlobobo Still LifeMjød         12,0       0,375    199,90
14055902Schramm’s Madeline 5th Birthday Boysenberry MeadMjød         14,0       0,375    549,90
14056002Schramm’s Maravilla Raspberry MeadMjød         13,0       0,375    499,90
14051202Rygr Valhall Barley WineBarley wine         12,0       0,330    199,70
10822602Bådin 8013 Black IPAIndia pale ale           7,0       0,330       69,70
14057802Amundsen The Red Curse Hazy IPAIndia pale ale           6,0       0,440       69,90
14057902Amundsen Purple Dragon Hazy IPAIndia pale ale           6,0       0,440       69,90
13913202Jåttå Gårdsbryggeri Tropisk flørtIndia pale ale           6,0       0,330       79,80
13913102Jåttå Gårdsbryggeri #8India pale ale           6,5       0,330       74,70
14058402Rygr Vaccine Dose #2India pale ale           6,5       0,330       69,80
14058502Rygr Booster Dose #1India pale ale           6,5       0,330       69,80
14052102Graff New England LemonadeIndia pale ale           7,0       0,330       79,00
14054002Brewski Guavafeber IPA GlutenfreeIndia pale ale           6,0       0,330       77,60
14057002Cushwa Big Cush TDH Citra NEDIPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,473    149,90
14057302Toppling Goliath Digital Dawn DIPAIndia pale ale           7,8       0,473    134,90
14052002Graff MuspelheimMørk lager         11,0       0,330    107,30
14011102Hogna IldsjelPale ale           5,5       0,440       69,80
14059702S43 The Gold One Imperial Toffee Pastry StoutPorter & stout           9,0       0,440    114,20
14037602Northern Monk Northern Star Chocolate, Caramel & Biscuit PorterPorter & stout           5,2       0,440       66,90
14057502Duncan’s Toasty Marshmallow Imperial Pastry StoutPorter & stout         10,8       0,440    129,90
14057402Duncan’s Maple Scorched Almond Imperial Pastry StoutPorter & stout         10,0       0,440    114,90
14058002Amundsen x Vocation Brewery BBA Coconut, Marshmallow & Toffee Swirl StoutPorter & stout         12,0       0,440    111,90
14058102Amundsen Triple Morish Dream Imperial Marshmallow Pastry StoutPorter & stout         12,5       0,440    101,90
14051402Rygr Munin BBA Imp. Stout Marshmallow/Kakao ed.Porter & stout         17,0       0,330    198,80
14054201Brewski Swap #1 Marcobin Barrel Aged Imperial StoutPorter & stout         13,0       0,750    234,40
13957702Brewski Coconut Vanilla Chocolate Cake Imperial StoutPorter & stout         10,5       0,330       89,10
14053702Omnipollo Lopez Barrel Aged Coconut Juice Imperial StoutPorter & stout         12,0       0,330    279,30
14053502Omnipollo Noa Pecan Mud Cake Willet Vanilla Barrel Aged Imperial StoutPorter & stout         13,5       0,330    221,40
14056502Odd Side Hazel’s Nuts Toasted Marshmallow & CoconutPorter & stout         12,0       0,473    164,90
14057602Casita Home Sweet Home Imperial StoutPorter & stout         10,0       0,473    164,90
14055502Speciation x Norden Aquavit Exaptation Aquavit Barrel Aged Amber AleRed/amber           8,0       0,375    154,90
14008502Bådin Saison Holmen Farmhouse AleSaison farmhouse ale           6,5       0,330       64,80
14052301Baghaven Form & Insight Oak AgedSpesial           8,8       0,750    366,70
13975102Gipsy Hill Squashed Fruited Sour Ale Blackberry & BlackcurrantSurøl           5,0       0,440       89,90
14019202Garage Kicking Heartbeat Cherry Barcelona WeisseSurøl           7,0       0,440       94,50
14054102Brewski Passionate Beet Berliner WeisseSurøl           6,0       0,330       78,80
14055601Speciation The Laurentian Series Dry Hopped Cuvée Des Grands LacsSurøl           6,5       0,750    289,90
14055701Speciation The Laurentian Series Lake Michigan CuvéeSurøl           6,5       0,750    279,90
14055802Speciation Stop Codon Foeder Aged Spontaneous AleSurøl           7,0       0,375    154,90
14006302Polly’s Earth Past Cherry & Plum Imperial GoseSurøl           7,0       0,440       94,50
13851702Qvænbrygg #100Brown ale           7,5       0,330       67,40
13962602Rivington x Premier Hop Growing Like Grass TIPAIndia pale ale         10,0       0,440    138,70
13962302Rivington x Åben Both Of Us DDH IPAIndia pale ale           7,2       0,500    127,20
13974002Phantom x Heist Hybrid Moments White Wine IPAIndia pale ale           7,5       0,440    119,90
13913702Rivington x North Riding Keys To My Beamer Mountain IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,500    114,60
13972302St. Hallvards Brewers Edition Hazy IPAIndia pale ale           7,1       0,500       89,90
13956302Salikatt Slam DunkIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440       91,90
13956102Lervig x Pinta Hop DetourIndia pale ale           7,4       0,330       79,20
13913302Jåttå Gårdsbryggeri Nuten IPAIndia pale ale           6,0       0,330       57,90
13957902Raa Three to TangoIndia pale ale         10,0       0,440       98,00
13957802Brewski Kangoose West Coast IPAIndia pale ale           7,0       0,330       73,50
13977202Spyglass Radial Burn Imperial IPAIndia pale ale         10,0       0,473    174,90
13977302Spyglass Vortex NE DIPAIndia pale ale           7,6       0,473    159,90
13977402Spyglass Fuzzy Logic NE DIPAIndia pale ale           7,6       0,473    159,90
13977102Spyglass Laminar Flow NE IPAIndia pale ale           6,9       0,473    149,90
13374002Senja Handbryggeri Grytetippen DampfbierLys ale           5,5       0,500       75,20
13973902Phantom Summer Citra & Azacca PalePale ale           5,2       0,440    108,00
13100202S43 Sasquatch SyrupPorter & stout         10,0       0,440    120,80
12108202Bådin Sulis StoutPorter & stout           7,0       0,330       69,70
13894002Fraugruber Bananasplit Imperial StoutPorter & stout         10,3       0,440    119,50
13840302FrauGruber Shakerato Imperial StoutPorter & stout         10,6       0,440    119,30
1397800218th Street Silver Spoon Breakfast StoutPorter & stout           8,6       0,473    129,90
13851602Qvænbrygg JuleølSpesial           7,0       0,330       61,50
11492102Hogna Just another Kirsebær SourSpesial           6,1       0,440       79,80
13956801Baghaven Refsæsøen Blend 2Surøl           5,8       0,750    248,20
13974102Phantom x Staggeringly Good Stagadelic Baby! Dragon Fruit, Pineapple & Coconut SSurøl           9,0       0,440    112,10
13779402Vault City Sweet Cherry BakewellSurøl           7,5       0,375    109,90
13957002Brewski x Omnipollo SFF Strawberry Fluff Forever GoseSurøl           6,0       0,330    122,70
13976502Drekker Braaaaaaaains Pineapple Guava Passionfruit Double Fruit Smoothie SourSurøl           7,3       0,473    144,90
13976602Drekker Braaaaaaaains Mango Cherry Double Fruit Smoothie SourSurøl           6,9       0,473    144,90
13838802Wild Beer Big Buck Barrel Aged Barley WineBarley wine         10,0       0,330    109,90
13841202Full Circle The Grain DanceBarley wine           8,8       0,440    119,90
13833101Lervig Off the Rack ParagonBarley wine         13,1       0,750    649,00
13833502Jåttå gårdsbryggeri Barley Wine First EditionBarley wine         14,6       0,330    119,40
13871302Graff Henrik The First BA Barley WineBarley wine         10,0       0,330    109,00
13835102Raa FairytaleBarley wine         11,0       0,375    143,50
13841302Full Circle Auf WheatersehenHveteøl           7,0       0,440       99,90
13837302Boxcar Timeless Strata IPAIndia pale ale           6,8       0,440    104,50
13841402Full Circle Laughter Is The Best MedicineIndia pale ale           9,8       0,440    129,80
13574002S43 Hazy River Dank IPAIndia pale ale           7,1       0,440    118,10
13838502S43 Waste of SpaceIndia pale ale           6,8       0,440    111,70
11935102Raus Bryggeri IPAIndia pale ale           6,3       0,330       58,80
6915602Voss Fellesbryggeri Smale IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,330       59,00
13848402Oso Madrileno 4India pale ale           8,5       0,440    129,30
13848602Oso Done & DustedIndia pale ale           6,2       0,440    116,50
13834102Brewski T-Horse DNEIPAIndia pale ale           8,5       0,330       76,50
13834202Brewski Voduo NeipaIndia pale ale           6,5       0,330       73,70
13839602Hop Butcher For The World Elder Secrets of An Ancient Past DIPAIndia pale ale           7,5       0,473    139,90
13763402Leifur Bryggeri BukkenMørk lager           6,8       0,500       71,40
13837902S43 Aquatic Sweing Machine Kveik PalePale ale           5,3       0,440       93,80
13837602Boxcar Dark Harvest Robust PorterPorter & stout           6,0       0,440       96,50
13838702Wild Beer B.A.B.S 4 BA Blended StoutPorter & stout         11,3       0,330    144,90
12846402Brew York HygPorter & stout         10,0       0,440    145,60
13833202Lervig Rackhouse Vanilla DreamsPorter & stout         13,1       0,375    249,00
13835202Raa MudcakePorter & stout         10,0       0,440    136,10
13841002Garage Mash Tears Imperial StoutPorter & stout         11,0       0,330       90,10
13834402Omnipollo In Plenty Marshmallow BrowniePorter & stout         12,0       0,330    186,80
13833902Omnipollo Noa Pecan PancakePorter & stout         11,0       0,330    178,30
13839702Jackie O’s x Buxton Rack & Ruin Barrel Aged Imperial StoutPorter & stout         13,1       0,375    279,90
13839802Jackie O’s Pyrography Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Rye StoutPorter & stout         14,6       0,375    249,90
13839902Jackie O’s Champion Ground Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial StoutPorter & stout         12,9       0,375    249,90
13839202Energy City Bâtisserie S’Mores StoutPorter & stout         10,0       0,473    169,90
13774302Omnipollo Bianca Noa Strawberry Pecan Mud Cake Lassi GoseSpesial           6,0       0,440    173,50
13774602Omnipollo Bianca Double Tangerine Lassi GoseSpesial           6,0       0,440    141,50
13833701Baghaven Highway of Diamonds Oak Aged Wild Ale w/ Rhone GrapesSpesial           8,8       0,750    274,20
13838602Wild Beer Echo Barrel Aged Wild Plum BeerSpesial           8,6       0,330       99,90
13839001Tilquin Oude Gueuze Cuvée du 10ème Anniversaire à l’ancienneSurøl           7,0       0,750    334,90
13838901Tilquin Oude Mirabelle à l’ancienneSurøl           7,0       0,750    284,90
13839101Tilquin Oude Gewurzt à l’ancienneSurøl           8,4       0,750    284,90
13841501Oud Beersel Horal Oude Geuze MegablendSurøl           7,0       0,750    249,90
13834702De Cam Zjimbezen FramboiseSurøl           5,5       0,375    179,60
13774402Omnipollo x The Veil Tefnut Pass Out Triple FruitedSurøl         10,0       0,330    127,10
13847802Double-Barrelled x Amundsen x Vocation The Gum Wall Cherry & Lime SourSurøl           6,8       0,440    120,10
13849802Monkey Brew Cherry-coloured FunkSurøl           8,0       0,375    119,70
13578402Hogna #250 Rye Barrel Aged Barley WineBarley wine         10,5       0,440    130,00
13300402Færder Frisk WitHveteøl           5,0       0,330       53,90
13594702Lervig Heavy Hitter TIPAIndia pale ale         10,5       0,440    104,60
13763002Jåttå gårdsbryggeri #6India pale ale           7,0       0,330       70,10
13788602Rygr Brygghus Leiv Austr IPAIndia pale ale           5,7       0,330       43,30
10686602Larvik Mikrobryggeri Herregaards IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,330       47,60
11769502Dogma Brewery Hoptopod IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,500       69,40
13765202Stigbergets Florera Double New England IPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440       80,70
13776302Schwarze Rose SabotageIndia pale ale           6,8       0,440    125,80
13776402Schwarze Rose Fools on Fire NEIPAIndia pale ale           6,8       0,440    125,20
13776502Schwarze Rose x True Brew Bloody Slush Raspberry Milkshake IPAIndia pale ale           6,3       0,440    123,90
12038702Toppling Goliath King Sue DIPAIndia pale ale           7,8       0,473    139,90
13773302Narrow Gauge OJ Run DIPAIndia pale ale           8,6       0,473    139,80
13782602Brew York Ba Hyg Bourbon BA Peanut, Caramel and Marshmallow Milk StoutPorter & stout         10,0       0,440    151,40
13766902The Garden Brewery x Lervig Double Imperial Chocolate Cheesecake StoutPorter & stout         12,0       0,440       98,70
12725402Nedstrand ExagérationPorter & stout         11,6       0,330    107,10
10686802Larvik Mikrobryggeri Rallar StoutPorter & stout           5,5       0,330       48,00
13774902Omnipollo Bianca Blackberry Blueberry Marshmallow Lassi GoseSpesial           6,0       0,440    158,30
10687002Larvik Mikrobryggeri Bøkerøkt StoutSpesial           6,5       0,330       47,60
13774802Omnipollo x The Veil Tefnut Strawberry Triple FruitedSurøl         10,0       0,330    133,20
13774502Omnipollo x The Veil Tefnut Pompelmocello Triple FruitedSurøl         10,0       0,330    121,00
13770901Baghaven Kriek VaniljeSurøl           7,6       0,750    280,10
13771001Baghaven Between Red & BlueSurøl           5,0       0,750    194,10
13817502Nedstrand Sour Peach & PassionfruitSurøl           5,8       0,330       71,80
13759802Hammerhead Box jellyfish Imperial GoseSurøl           7,9       0,440    108,40
13537102Inderøy Gårdsbryggeri JulemjødMjød         12,0       0,375    108,00
12308401Mjøderiet HøytidMjød         12,3       0,750    289,10
7982104Mjøderiet JulemjødMjød         12,0       0,250    140,20
10423502Inderøy Gårdsbryggeri Fattigmainn Barley WineBarley wine         10,2       0,500    108,60
13624202Lindesnes Vintermørk Jule AleBrown ale           7,4       0,330       76,60
13639602Trysil Bryggeri En Mørk VinternattBrown ale           7,5       0,330       68,60
10487102Hunsfos Bryggeri JulewitHveteøl           5,3       0,330       59,90
13763602Raus Brygge Julemandarin DDH IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,330       59,30
7903902Inderøy Gårdsbryggeri Dommpapp QuadrupelKlosterstil         10,2       0,500    108,60
10484902Harstad Bryggeri Trippel JulLys ale           9,0       0,330       62,80
3555602Nua JuleølMørk lager           6,5       0,500       79,10
3530002Arendal 1839 Juleøl Ekstra StærkMørk lager           8,0       0,330       43,60
11256102Nordgården Jul på HelgelandMørk lager           6,5       0,330       52,90
13636502Beer Flag Goat Headed TrinityMørk lager         12,5       0,330       77,10
1823202Sagene Sterk JulMørk lager           6,5       0,330       51,70
11301202Lervig Naughty & Nice DoppelbockMørk lager           8,0       0,330       48,90
10485702Mack JulebokkMørk lager           9,0       0,330       49,80
13693302Mack Juleøl 2021Mørk lager           6,5       0,330       44,90
10487202Hunsfos Bryggeri Direktørens JulPorter & stout           9,3       0,330       70,30
13621802Trysil Bryggeri Skognissen’s JuleølPorter & stout           8,2       0,330       71,80
12278902Bådin Tønnelagret JulestoutPorter & stout           8,8       0,330    111,80
13636602Beer Flag Christmas Is PecancelledPorter & stout         12,0       0,330       92,90
12277102Beer Flag Mulm & MørkePorter & stout           9,5       0,330       78,50
10467602Sagene TannjulPorter & stout           8,0       0,330       71,90
12277202Beer Flag Tons of Rock Unholy NightPorter & stout           7,0       0,330       69,90
10485302Klokk & Co JuleklokkPorter & stout           8,0       0,330       59,90
13557802Jåttå FjøsnissePorter & stout           9,0       0,330       87,20
13648902Skudenes Bryggeri Captains ChristmasPorter & stout           8,0       0,330       69,90
12275202Skudenes Bryggeri JuleølPorter & stout           8,0       0,330       61,10
12232502Inderøy Gårdsbryggeri KlokkeklangPorter & stout         10,2       0,500    108,60
13759702Hammerhead Santa’s Milk & Cookies MilkstoutPorter & stout           7,0       0,440       91,90
13645202Hognabrygg Papa NoelPorter & stout           9,0       0,440       89,80
1832902Klostergården JuleølPorter & stout           6,5       0,500       77,50
11300001Tya Bryggeri Grand Cru JuleølPorter & stout         11,2       0,750    194,90
10497102Tya Bryggeri Kraftig Juling Belgisk Kvadruppel JuleølPorter & stout         11,0       0,500    114,20
5898802Jul på TongaRed/amber           7,5       0,500       92,10
13646302Bådin Gildeskål SaisonSaison farmhouse ale           6,5       0,330       64,80
1832701Holtens JulebryggSaison farmhouse ale           6,8       0,750    164,90
11303502Slakteren Seså Jule-SaisonSaison farmhouse ale           6,5       0,330       69,80
10484802Harstad Bryggeri JulScotch ale           6,7       0,330       55,10
13624902Finn Winter AleScotch ale           5,6       0,330       61,80
13685702Nua Julebukk FatlagretSpesial           8,0       0,500       96,40
12277702Bådin Tønnelagret Tussvatnet JuleølSpesial           7,4       0,330    111,80
3558902Bådin Tussvatnet JuleølSpesial           8,2       0,330       72,80
7981902Bådin Landegode JuleølSpesial           7,5       0,330       68,90
13650502Lervig Hipster for ChristmasSpesial         13,1       0,375    173,10
12276402Lervig Hipster for Christmas 2020Spesial         12,0       0,330    132,10
13648702Ølbæks Jule AleSpesial           6,4       0,330       59,30
10485602Svalbard Bryggeri Spitsbergen JuleølSpesial           7,0       0,330       54,90
6450502Inderøy Gårdsbryggeri Musemor Old AleSpesial           6,7       0,500       89,00
13641802Voss Fellesbryggeri Vossajol med KveikSpesial           7,0       0,330       64,00
6773002Voss Fellesbryggeri Sterk JolagåvaSpesial           6,5       0,330       59,80
12277002Beer Flag Trolldom & MystikkSurøl           6,5       0,330       82,30
13594602Lervig ParagonBarley wine         12,6       0,375    228,90
13556402Menabrea La 150° WeissHveteøl           5,2       0,330       65,00
13536702Magic Rock Clown Juice Wheat IPAHveteøl           7,0       0,440       69,70
13525602S43 This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things Double NEIPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440    126,50
13584702Graff Cali Kush West Coast IPAIndia pale ale           7,0       0,330       69,90
13558402Oso ScienceIndia pale ale           6,5       0,440    119,50
13558702Oso VeranoIndia pale ale           6,0       0,440    118,20
13572402Freddo Fox Six O’Clock Hold DIPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,330       73,10
13536902Magic Rock Ten Magic Years West Coast DIPAIndia pale ale         10,0       0,440       84,30
13596102Siren Craft Nitro PompelmocelloIndia pale ale           6,0       0,440       82,20
13536802Magic Rock Psychokinesis NEIPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,440       65,30
13537002Magic Rock Serendipitous Gluten Free IPAIndia pale ale           5,9       0,440       60,10
13534702Play Brew Sneaky Pete NEPAPale ale           5,7       0,440    119,20
13623902Brew York x Beersmiths Flat Pack Fika Tonka, Caramel & PeacanPorter & stout           9,5       0,440    141,10
13534802Play Brew Marshmallow & Peanut Ice Cream StoutPorter & stout           6,0       0,440    121,50
13584802Graff Nidavellir Fatlagret StoutPorter & stout         11,0       0,330    108,90
13578002Omnipollo Elmer New Money Ticker StoutPorter & stout         15,5       0,330    193,70
13577501Baghaven Gift From Demeter B2 Chardonnay BA Spelt Saison StyleSaison farmhouse ale           5,2       0,750    221,20
13571101Baghaven Art of Decadence B4Spesial           7,0       0,750    339,10
13577602Omnipollo Original Ice Cream Blueberry Crumble SourSpesial           6,0       0,440    158,30
13577401Baghaven Rubus of Rose Vanilje B2Surøl           6,0       0,750    329,70
13577202Mikkeller Oregon Fruit Series SpontanplumSurøl           7,7       0,375    119,80
13534502Play Brew Sour Kiss Raspberry Lemonade SourSurøl           6,5       0,440    121,30
13522402Dry & Bitter Ampersand Galaxy DDH New England IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,440       80,50
13522502Dry & Bitter Ampersand Nelson DDH New England IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,440       80,50
13531002Rivington You Know I Know Sour IPAIndia pale ale           6,1       0,440    122,30
13534602Play Brew Triple Bogey New England IPAIndia pale ale           6,2       0,440    122,10
13522102S 43 Zin Zan NZ IPAIndia pale ale           6,9       0,440       98,40
13503102Skudenes Over The Ocean NZIPAIndia pale ale           6,8       0,330       72,40
13320802Austmann Ekstra IPAIndia pale ale           6,0       0,500       59,80
13514502Fjordfolk Peace OutIndia pale ale           6,0       0,440       81,50
13534902Slakteren Brygghus Kanga NeipaIndia pale ale           7,5       0,440       89,80
13508202Brewski Floripa Sour Florida IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,330       79,80
13534302Industrial Arts Impact Wrench Hazy Triple India Pale AleIndia pale ale         10,0       0,473    114,70
13534202Industrial Arts Wrench Hazy India Pale AleIndia pale ale           7,1       0,473    100,70
13534402Industrial Arts Torque WrenchIndia pale ale           8,2       0,473    100,10
13522302Dry & Bitter and Bagby Interlacing Extra Pale AlePale ale           5,4       0,440       70,60
13534002Play Brew Sticky Lolly Raspberry & Milk Pale AlePale ale           5,5       0,440    118,00
13525502Bådin Runway Imperial StoutPorter & stout           9,3       0,330       79,80
13510102Vault City Raspberry White Chocolate Honeycomb Imperial StoutPorter & stout         12,0       0,375    134,90
13534102Three Hill Pepperberry SaisonSaison farmhouse ale           5,5       0,330    113,20
13530902Rivington Buckwheat SaisonSaison farmhouse ale           4,8       0,440    111,70
13530302Three Hills Forbidden Fruit: BlueberrySurøl           6,0       0,375    131,70
13531802Jåttå Syrlig bærturSurøl           5,5       0,330       61,10
13429602Brew York The Hoptimist 21 DIPAIndia pale ale           9,1       0,440    120,90
13399602Wander Beyond GulpedIndia pale ale         12,0       0,440       99,90
133631028 Wired Lush Passion Fruit Hazy IPAIndia pale ale           7,0       0,440       99,80
13431002Lervig Why notIndia pale ale           8,1       0,440       89,60
13114702Skudenes Thruster Raspberry Milkshake IPAIndia pale ale           7,0       0,330       69,90
13388502Juga Hardhaus IPAIndia pale ale           8,2       0,330       79,30
13362902Qvænbrygg Herrä Hummala DDH IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,330       69,10
13307802Moskus Blonde FjellølLys ale           6,5       0,330       52,80
13399102Leifur SolgløttLys ale           8,0       0,500       70,60
13362801Qvænbrygg Gull Q ExportLys lager           6,5       0,750    116,80
13435302Juga Rundlurt LagerLys lager           6,2       0,330       68,00
13434702Fæby Norwegian arm SMaSH Pale AlePale ale           6,0       0,440       79,90
12487502Mad Scientist Jam52 APAPale ale           5,2       0,440       56,60
13380302Brew York Brownie Pints Peanut, Hazelnut & Caramel Milk StoutPorter & stout           7,5       0,440    123,00
13380102Brew York Imperial Tonkoko Imperial Milk StoutPorter & stout           7,5       0,440    122,70
13355902White Hag & Lambrate Testa Nuda Imperial StoutPorter & stout           9,0       0,330       74,60
13128002Beer Flag GagarinPorter & stout         12,0       0,330       99,40
13434802Fæby Feeling pig Farmhouse AleSaison farmhouse ale           7,0       0,440       84,80
13433102Mikkeller SD Kneaded to Know BA Farmhouse Style AleSaison farmhouse ale           7,3       0,500    256,40
13432102Mikkeller Nelson Sauvin BA Belgian Strong AleSpesial           9,0       0,375    168,10
13432201Baghaven Rubus of Rose Oak Aged Wild Ale w/ RaspberriesSpesial           6,0       0,750    269,90
13432001Baghaven De Bijen Oak Aged Farmhouse Style AleSpesial           6,0       0,750    237,20
13433002Mikkeller SD Fun With Foeder Sangria Farmhouse Style AleSpesial           6,8       0,475    135,00
13414302Gipsy Hill Squashed Fruited Sour Ale Strawberry, Sour Cherry & AppleSurøl           5,2       0,440       94,80
13432902Brewski x Omnipollo BFF Blueberry Fluff Forever GoseSurøl           5,0       0,330    136,60
12920802Verdant Rustling Substance Pale AleIndia pale ale           5,2       0,440    104,80
12940302Raus Skog DDH IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,330       64,80
13313502Graff Hytta Pale AlePale ale           5,5       0,330       59,90
13236602S43 Rivington Brewery Imp Bizkit Imperial Biscoff Pastry StoutPorter & stout         10,0       0,440    132,10
13287002Fjordfolk Le Petit GrangeSaison farmhouse ale           7,2       0,440       85,50
13318801Mikkeller SpontanQuadrupelRaspberry Oak Aged Sour AleSurøl           9,2       0,750    399,10
13317801Mikkeller Baghaven Feast of Solitude Oak Aged Wild Ale with ApricotsSurøl           6,0       0,750    297,10
13313402Graff Lemon Meringue PieSurøl           6,5       0,330       69,90
13305502Humble Forager Coastal Sunshine #13 Smoothie SourSurøl           6,0       0,473    151,20
13186102Schramm’s Mead Honeyberry MeadMjød         14,0       0,375    589,90
13186002Schramm’s Mead Erik The Red Cherry Raspberry MeadMjød         14,0       0,375    499,90
13185802Schramm’s Mead Red Agnes Red Currant MeadMjød         14,0       0,375    479,90
13184802Verdant x Crak Unplanned Alignment IPAIndia pale ale           7,0       0,440    114,80
13184902Verdant Bigger Pigs DIPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440    103,90
13210502Full Circle x Campervan Brewery Callisto DIPAIndia pale ale           8,3       0,440    114,80
12940202Raus Hubro New England IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,330       64,80
13239502Lervig Super Fluff NEIPAIndia pale ale           6,6       0,500       78,90
13101202Jåttå Gårdsbryggeri #4India pale ale           6,5       0,330       74,70
13224202Poppels x Collective Arts x All In Escape the Mothership DIPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440       86,80
13185202Beer Zombies x The Answer End To End Burners DIPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,473    169,90
13193702Mast Landing x Aslin Super Wrastlin’ Moves DDH DIPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,473    149,80
13184402Gipsy Hill Pendler PilsnerLys lager           5,3       0,440       74,80
13166702Jåttå Gårdsbryggeri Helles lagerLys lager           5,0       0,330       49,80
13175602Hogna Crispi BoiLys lager           5,5       0,440       69,80
7397302Flensburger FrühlingsbockMørk lager           6,9       0,330       57,50
13215002Verdant Roy, I Want A Hilux Pale AlePale ale           5,5       0,440    104,80
13236102Brew York x Tiny Rebel The Dream Child Rocky Roads Ice Cream PastryPorter & stout         14,0       0,440    153,60
13231802Amundsen Emperor of Time Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Ultra StoutPorter & stout         13,0       0,440    151,80
13240902Mikkeller SpontanacaiSpesial           7,7       0,375    146,60
13241102Mikkeller SpontanblackberrySpesial           7,7       0,375    146,60
13241002Mikkeller Spontan Double CassisSurøl           7,7       0,375    168,30
13244001Mikkeller Baghaven Bagsæson Blend 1Surøl           6,8       0,750    258,70
13184202Gipsy Hill Squashed Fruited Sour Lychee, Gooseberry & ElderflowerSurøl           4,8       0,440       89,80
13194302Amundsen In Cafruits Blood Orange & Mandarin Creamsicle Pastry SourSurøl           6,5       0,440       99,80
13175302Rygr Sure Brynhild Bringebær Trippelfruktet SurølSurøl           7,5       0,330       97,50
13175402Rygr Sure Berly Blåbær Trippelfruktet SurølSurøl           7,5       0,330       97,50
13175502Rygr Sure Gyda Tranebær/Granateple Trippelfruktet SurølSurøl           7,5       0,330       54,80
11969902Elø Tropical Punch Mango & Guava GoseSurøl           5,5       0,330       52,80
13176102Vault City Guava Kiwi Melon Mango SourSurøl         10,0       0,375    119,80
13176202Vault City Blueberry Lemon Drizzle SourSurøl           6,6       0,375    115,60
13176302Vault City Apple Cranberry Vanilla SourSurøl           6,6       0,375    110,00
13121702Crave Cave Brewery Loki’s HornMjød         11,0       0,330    119,50
11934502Bådin Ohma WitHveteøl           5,2       0,330       59,70
13101302Jåttå Gårdsbryggeri CitrarilloIndia pale ale           7,0       0,330       74,50
13121102Nedstrand Hoppy MassacreIndia pale ale           6,3       0,330       67,90
13102502Skudenes Thruster Blueberry Milkshake IPAIndia pale ale           7,0       0,330       66,80
13130302Graff Gold School NEIPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,330       69,20
13129702Elø Celestial Body Zero-G NEIPAIndia pale ale           7,0       0,330       67,40
13130702Raa NordmannenIndia pale ale           7,0       0,440       84,50
13109802Stone Self-Righteous Black IPAIndia pale ale           8,5       0,355    104,90
13130202Graff Kilt & WürstLys lager           5,2       0,330       86,80
12866102Slakteren Brygghus BajbajerMørk lager           5,5       0,440       70,00
12873402Hunsfos Bryggeri Glory GloryPale ale           6,0       0,330       61,30
13161202Mikkeller Beer Geek BreakfastPorter & stout           7,5       0,500    122,40
12924102Moersleutel Smeerolie Coconut milkshakePorter & stout         10,0       0,440       99,90
12935102Omnipollo x Horus Pluckin’ Feathers Blueberry Coconut Hazelnut ImperialPorter & stout         12,2       0,330    210,70
13141802Paranormal x Seven Islands Symposium Imperial StoutPorter & stout           8,0       0,330    107,20
13142102Mikkeller San Diego Træblod Bourbon BAPorter & stout         14,0       0,500    395,80
13142002Mikkeller San Diego Friends of Prey BAPorter & stout         17,2       0,500    357,20
13140501Mikkeller Baghaven Havnesæson BA Blend 3Saison farmhouse ale           6,0       0,750    239,40
13109502Desperados MojitoSpesial           5,9       0,500       54,70
13131502Mikkeller Triple Spontan CherrySurøl           8,9       0,375    196,40
13140202Mikkeller Triple Spontan BlueberrySurøl         10,0       0,375    196,10
13140102Boon & Mikkeller Goût AmericainSurøl           6,5       0,375    115,60
13140301Mikkeller Baghaven Ruud Pesch BA Wild Ale Red PeachesSurøl           6,0       0,750    280,70
13112402Amundsen Fruit Quake Strawberry Kiwi & Watermelon SourSurøl           6,0       0,440       92,10
13127102Beer Flag ApricornSurøl           6,5       0,330       79,80
13136302Vault City Pear Drop Session SourSurøl           4,8       0,330       69,90
13141602Morgondagens Bryggeri Bappelsin SourSurøl           5,5       0,330       79,70
12923402Dry & Bitter Winter Hexagon DDH Triple IPAIndia pale ale         10,0       0,440    104,80
12923502Dry & Bitter The Great Square of Pegasus DDH Double IPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440       98,80
3802802Qvart Palmekyst IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,330       58,20
12701602Jåttå Gårdsbryggeri X3 TDH DIPAIndia pale ale           8,5       0,330       76,20
12902602Stolt Bryggeri Retro IPAIndia pale ale           7,0       0,440       89,40
12922302Lysefjorden Sterk Red IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,330       73,80
6990102Harstad Bryggeri Rye Pale AlePale ale           5,7       0,500       65,00
11935302Elø Cto Russian Imperial Moccamint StoutPorter & stout         11,5       0,330       65,40
12935602Omnipollo x 3 Sons Noa Scoop! Strawberry Pecan Mud Cake Imperial Stout.Porter & stout         11,0       0,330    151,10
10088002Skudenes 1st OfficerScotch ale           7,0       0,330       61,50
12930602Mikkeller Frederiksdal Cherry TrippelbockSpesial         12,9       0,375    150,20
12930902Mikkeller Frederiksdal Cherry DoublebockSpesial           9,0       0,375    127,70
12933601Baghaven Stevnsbær 2020Surøl           8,5       0,750    301,50
12933701Baghaven Rubus of Rose VaniljeSurøl           6,5       0,750    291,40
12931202Mikkeller Spontan Double BlueberrySurøl           8,4       0,375    178,00
12934402Duckpond Rosé SourSurøl           6,0       0,330       77,60
12865202Hunsfos Bryggeri Golden IPAIndia pale ale           6,0       0,330       61,30
12865302Hunsfos Bryggeri Mot IPAIndia pale ale           6,0       0,330       61,30
12701502Jåttå Gårdsbryggeri Solveggen Påske IPAIndia pale ale           6,0       0,330       69,10
10087902Skudenes Slingring IPAIndia pale ale           6,7       0,330       54,30
12586102Austmann Danger of Death Double IPAIndia pale ale         10,0       0,440       94,90
12845902Slakteren Brygghus TwinsIndia pale ale           6,5       0,440       79,20
12910302Nøkken India Pale AleIndia pale ale           7,2       0,330       66,00
12857602Stigbergets Mistlur IPAIndia pale ale           7,5       0,440       89,70
12857702Stigbergets Muddle IPAIndia pale ale           7,0       0,440       89,70
12857802Fermenterarna Celebration Battle: Anna New England IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,440       89,70
12857902Fermenterarna Keep on Climbing Single Hop New England IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,440       89,70
12858102Fermenterarna Celebration Battle: Niclas New England IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,440       89,70
12869702Harstad Bryggeri x Bryggeri 13 VårstemningLys ale           5,3       0,330       49,00
12910502Andersnatten HulderblondLys ale           6,2       0,330       60,30
12841002Desperados GingerLys lager           5,0       0,330       44,90
12865402Arpus Coconut x Vanilla Imperial Pastry StoutPorter & stout           9,0       0,440    124,90
12859302Graff Toasted Coconut Imperial StoutPorter & stout           9,5       0,330       84,80
12910402Simoa Imperial StoutPorter & stout           8,2       0,330       70,10
12871102Nerdbrewing Typecast Imperial Licorice, Lemon & Vanilla StoutPorter & stout         11,0       0,330    136,60
12871302Nerdbrewing Infix Imperial Milk Stout Vanilla Macchiato EditionPorter & stout         10,5       0,330    135,60
12892001Baghaven Art of Decadence Blend 3Surøl           7,0       0,750    313,00
12870301Baghaven PántáoSurøl           6,0       0,750    259,00
12870202Mikkeller SpontanCherry FrederiksdalSurøl           8,2       0,375    157,30
12858202Fermenterarna Pineapple Masquerade Fruited GoseSurøl           6,0       0,440       88,70
12857502Fermenterarna Blablabla Tropical SourSurøl           6,0       0,330       76,70
12676002Raa TrældomBarley wine         10,0       0,375    136,40
12726402Drop Project Nug West Coast IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,440       77,40
12677902Humbrygg Ferdig Prata Citra og StrataIndia pale ale           7,0       0,440       88,80
12677802Humbrygg Fosskodde 2.0India pale ale           6,0       0,440       86,80
12682402Blech Brut OpakIndia pale ale           7,5       0,440    102,80
12727302Bådin St. Eystein DubbelKlosterstil           7,0       0,330       65,00
12583402Elø Roasted Delights Imperial PorterPorter & stout         10,0       0,330       61,70
12680502Maltgarden x Sudden Death Dead Phone Calling Imperial StoutPorter & stout         10,0       0,500    127,10
12677202Nerdbrewing Indexoutofbounds Oak Aged Imperial Vanilla Stout Mole ed. 2020Porter & stout         11,5       0,330    140,10
12731902Loverbeer A Renna GlühSurøl           8,0       0,375    122,90
12583302Elø Passion Fruit & Lemon Sour Vanilla MilkshakeSurøl           6,0       0,330       66,30
12585202Beer Flag Occulto CoccoBrown ale           6,5       0,330       70,10
12608902Taybeh IPAIndia pale ale           6,6       0,330       70,20
12617502Frau Gruber Super Soul Triple India Pale AleIndia pale ale         10,0       0,440    110,50
12617302Frau Gruber Fever For Flavor India Pale AleIndia pale ale           7,2       0,440       95,30
12617402Frau Gruber Purple Haze Double Dry Hopped India Pale AleIndia pale ale           6,8       0,440       90,30
12585302Beer Flag PusiferPale ale           5,7       0,330       69,80
7339802Loverbeer Marchè’l RePorter & stout           8,5       0,375    121,00
12622202Brewski Liquorice Cake Imp StoutPorter & stout         12,0       0,330    101,80
12616402Omnipollo Barrel Aged MammutPorter & stout         12,0       0,400    183,80
12621702Omnipollo In PlentyPorter & stout         12,0       0,330    150,80
5408802Birra del Borgo DuchessaSaison farmhouse ale           5,8       0,330       59,90
11011902Mikkeller Baghaven Ebon HedgesSurøl           7,4       0,375    183,10
7893702Loverbeer Nebiulin-aSurøl           8,0       0,375    179,00
12600702Rygr Brygghus Sure-Møyfrid Plomme & Blåbær SurølSurøl           6,5       0,330       79,60
12400102OverWorks Cosmic Strawberry & Vanilla Oak Aged SourSurøl           6,7       0,330       82,90
12611702OverWorks Cosmic Pomegranate & Hibiscus Oak Aged SourSurøl           5,3       0,330       82,90
12519002Dry & Bitter Don’t Bring me Down NZ DDH Double IPAIndia pale ale           7,3       0,440       97,00
12510102Jåttå Skallegrim IPAIndia pale ale           7,4       0,330       61,50
12515702Brewski Yellow RobotIndia pale ale           6,0       0,330       80,00
12471102Klostergården MaltMunk DoppelbockMørk lager           8,0       0,500       91,80
12248702De Moersleutel Motoroil Russian Imperial StoutPorter & stout         12,0       0,330    110,20
12470602Hogna Blikkstille BruxellensisPorter & stout         10,4       0,375    200,00
12470702Hogna Blikkstille ClausseniiPorter & stout         10,8       0,375    200,00
12470802Hogna Bean Dream SupremePorter & stout           7,5       0,440       80,20
12470402Haandbryggeriet Death by DiscoPorter & stout         11,9       0,330       79,90
12518802Humbrygg Bærserk StoutPorter & stout           6,5       0,500       82,20
12515902Brewski Almond Walnut Vanilla Caramel CakePorter & stout         10,0       0,330       89,30
12509902Jåttå Fruktig LidenskapSurøl           5,5       0,330       58,10
7907102Northern Monk Heathen IPAIndia pale ale           7,2       0,440       81,90
12391302Norgården Sømnakongen IPAIndia pale ale           7,0       0,330       52,40
12259902Lofotpils Barrel Age Series Oloroso Sherry TripelKlosterstil           9,0       0,375       99,70
12385502Crave Cave Havbris på KaiaLys ale           5,2       0,330       56,20
12407702Hunsfos You’ll Never Walk Alone American Pale Ale GoldPale ale           6,0       0,330       49,10
12414802Bådin Art By Accident LakrisstoutPorter & stout           5,4       0,330       67,90
12410502Slakteren Brygghus Snømann #35 Pastry Stout med vanilje, kaffe og tonkaPorter & stout         10,0       0,375    110,20
12410202Slakteren Brygghus Mørket Pastry StoutPorter & stout         11,0       0,330       85,20
12410402Slakteren Brygghus Mjølk Pastry StoutPorter & stout           8,0       0,330       79,20
12401202Paranormal Hidden LakePorter & stout         11,0       0,330    110,80
12235502Jåttå Gårdsbryggeri Hingsten IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,330       73,30
12258102Rygr Stafangr DDH NEIPAIndia pale ale           6,7       0,330       62,40
5608602Bådin Aspmyra Golden Strong AleLys ale           9,0       0,330       75,20
12230002Beer Flag Tons of Rock Brutal PilsnerLys lager           8,0       0,330       70,00
12234402Bådin Tønnelagra 001 Imperial StoutPorter & stout           8,7       0,330    112,10
12230102Beer Flag Tons of Rock Black Pit PorterPorter & stout           6,6       0,330       70,00
12185402Senja Handbryggeri Kongeporten PorterPorter & stout           7,0       0,500       77,20
12238902Brewski Napoleon CakePorter & stout         12,0       0,330       88,40
12235402Jåttå Gårdsbryggeri Helnorsk gresskarSpesial           6,5       0,330       75,20
12243002Duckpond True LoveSurøl           6,0       0,330       83,70
12184802Lervig ParagonBarley wine         13,5       0,330    215,50
12200602Ocho Reales Imperial AleLys ale           6,5       0,355       49,60
12107902Lindesnes Brygghus SvarteskjerPorter & stout           8,2       0,330       69,50
12108302Hogna Frisk BringebærSpesial           5,5       0,440       80,10
12100402Duckpond TopolinoSurøl           5,0       0,440       87,20
10216102Birra del Borgo LisaLys lager           5,0       0,330       49,90
11970102Jåttå Gårdsbryggeri Syrlig SommerSpesial           6,0       0,330       55,90
11922302Kjerlingland Havtåke DDH IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,330       69,00
11960002Hammerhead High On Hops NEIPAIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440       79,50
11959902Hammerhead Aviator IPAIndia pale ale           6,9       0,440       63,10
11921702Nua NeipaIndia pale ale           6,5       0,330       89,20
11937702Hogna Brygg Even More HopsIndia pale ale           8,0       0,440       90,10
11855302Austmann Old School IPAIndia pale ale           7,5       0,440       78,80
11881202Austmann Bokassa Captain Cold One NEIPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,440       74,80
11943502Jåttå Gårdsbryggeri Helnorsk MikeliSurøl           6,0       0,330       65,30
11768202Rygr Hugin BA Imperial StoutPorter & stout         15,0       0,330    199,30
11792202Harstad Bryggeri Bière de Garde Bank! EditionSaison farmhouse ale           7,0       0,330       60,30
2150702Flensburger WeizenHveteøl           4,8       0,330       57,20
11692802Lysefjorden Hoppy SimonIndia pale ale           9,0       0,330       69,40
11693002Lysefjorden IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,330       55,10
11693502Jåttå Gårdsbryggeri Helnorsk StautPorter & stout         12,0       0,330       98,40
11692902Lysefjorden Oppsop Imperial StoutPorter & stout         11,0       0,500    108,10
11671402Rappfot Red AleRed/amber           7,2       0,330       67,50
11703202Hogna Brygg XSpesial           9,0       0,440    100,30
11631102The Bruery So Happens It’s TuesdayPorter & stout         15,0       0,473    223,20
11607202Lysefjorden Erna SolbærSurøl           6,0       0,330       65,60
11552202Nua Brown AleBrown ale           6,5       0,500       83,60
11545202Austmann Pine shoot NEIPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,440       58,00
11584502Fjellbryggeriet Ratatosk Red IPAIndia pale ale           5,5       0,500       58,70
11586402Crave Cave Hårfagres dobbeltbokkMørk lager           8,0       0,330       58,60
11552102Nua Whisky StoutPorter & stout           7,5       0,330       91,80
11586502Crave Cave Frokost ved hattenPorter & stout           7,8       0,330       55,10
11545402Austmann Lynchburg LattèPorter & stout         10,5       0,330       69,80
11408502Bådin Bodvin Barley WineBarley wine         10,1       0,330       80,20
11422302Grimaas Bryggeri KvælvornKlosterstil           9,0       0,330       70,10
11407802Torghatten PorterPorter & stout           7,0       0,330       53,90
11418302Rygr Brygghus Sure-Eira Aronia & MangoSurøl           5,8       0,330       68,90
11302202Harstad Bryggeri JulenøtterBrown ale           7,0       0,330       60,00
11302102Schouskjellern JulestoutPorter & stout         10,0       0,330       85,40
11306102Trysil Bryggeri GørkvekIndia pale ale           6,6       0,330       62,90
11306902Monkey Brew Darwin IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,440       69,90
11295302AleSmith Double Red IPAIndia pale ale           8,5       0,355    140,20
11289102Hunsfos Bryggeri Direktørens skau ølSpesial           7,2       0,330       99,30
11170502Fjellbryggeriet Såmt amerikansk hveteHveteøl           6,8       0,500       76,70
11230202Mikkeller Beer Geek Waffle BreakfastPorter & stout           7,5       0,330    110,90
11212102Desperados MojitoSpesial           5,9       0,330       44,90
11249901Hoppin Frog x Stillwater Blu Violent Blueberry LimeSpesial         12,0       0,650    242,20
11230101Mikkeller & Boon Gout Americain.Surøl           6,5       0,750    197,70
11114104Mjøderiet TrollmjødMjød         10,5       0,250    108,90
2225402Bådin Cinema Brown AleBrown ale           5,3       0,330       59,20
11150002Jåttå Gårdsbryggeri Helnorsk rabarbraSaison farmhouse ale           6,0       0,330       69,70
11151701Grimm Super You Gose AleSurøl           5,3       0,650    175,10
10822702Bådin Vestfjorden India Pale AleIndia pale ale           6,6       0,330       58,70
10651602Harstad Bryggeri Brutus Brut IPAIndia pale ale           7,0       0,330       55,10
10822502Bådin Rensåsen Mosaic Pale AlePale ale           5,5       0,330       58,70
11042202Kjerlingland Milkshake IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,330       69,00
11041702Grimaas Bryggeri LallinIndia pale ale           6,2       0,330       60,10
10849402Fjellbryggeriet Nara IPAIndia pale ale           6,7       0,500       80,10
10812902Harstad Bryggeri TrippelKlosterstil           9,0       0,330       70,10
10961702Hogna Brygg Hoppy FairytalePale ale           5,7       0,440       70,10
10961802Hogna Brygg Chocolate SeasurfPorter & stout           8,0       0,440       80,20
10996202Harstad Bryggeri BringebærSpesial           5,5       0,330       55,10
10490702Hogna KardinalPorter & stout           9,0       0,440       80,30
10846702Inderøy Gårdsbryggeri ReiddhårråSaison farmhouse ale           6,7       0,500       89,00
10570602Stolt Bryggeri RøyklagtSpesial           7,0       0,440       96,70
10698702Nordgarden Sømnakongens IPAIndia pale ale           7,0       0,330       53,90
10697202CAP d’Bådin Saison Whith sea buckthorn, szechuan pepper & thai basilSaison farmhouse ale           6,4       0,330       59,30
10566402Menabrea La 150° Bionda Premium LagerLys lager           4,8       0,330       55,00
10270802Bryggeriet Frøya Sletringen Hvit IPAIndia pale ale           6,8       0,500       79,60
10270702Bryggeriet Frøya Draug BokkølMørk lager           6,8       0,500       79,60
10270902Bryggeriet Frøya Jedinorog Imperial StoutPorter & stout         12,0       0,500    124,20
10269802Fjelløl StrandaSpesial           6,0       0,500       87,00
10228102Senja Handbryggeri Ølningen IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,500       74,50
10148602Captain Lawrence Hops n` RosesSurøl           7,0       0,375    166,20
10120402Holtens QuadrupelKlosterstil           9,0       0,500    149,70
10070502Homborsund Sundholmen SaisonSaison farmhouse ale           6,5       0,330       65,10
10022102Skudenes Chief Barrel EditionScotch ale           9,3       0,330       91,00
10085602Bådin & Mike Murphy Porter The Curse of William PennPorter & stout           8,1       0,330       69,00
10008502Hogna Pave Imperial StoutPorter & stout         11,0       0,440    100,30
8320902Hunsfos Direktørens Presisjons IPAIndia pale ale           7,2       0,330       61,10
6989902Harstad Bryggeri India Pale Ale 1.0India pale ale           7,0       0,500       77,20
8320302Senja Handbryggeri Kolkjerka Imperial StoutPorter & stout           9,0       0,500       78,90
8072302Hunsfos Direktørens PorterPorter & stout           6,5       0,330       58,10
6990002Harstad Bryggeri SaisonSaison farmhouse ale           6,0       0,500       72,10
7896502Tonga Tonge Tores IPAIndia pale ale           7,5       0,500       92,10
7833102Harstad Bryggeri MelkebartPorter & stout           6,5       0,500       76,20
7734802Lindesnes Brygghus Skjærgårds IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,330       60,50
10490802Hogna Rødskjegg Imperial Red AleRed/amber           7,6       0,440       80,20
9610502Orkney Skull Splitter Rich AleScotch ale           8,5       0,330       61,00
7244901Orkney Dark Island Reserve Ale Limited EditionScotch ale         10,0       0,750    299,30
5929602Tonga Osen LagerLys lager           6,0       0,500       77,30
5915502Tonga Bjønnstein PalePale ale           6,0       0,500       77,30
5477602Klostergården TripleKlosterstil         10,0       0,500       90,50
5477702Klostergården PorsSpesial           7,0       0,500       80,30
2111702Nua IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,500       83,60
3086002Nua Olivia Imperial StoutPorter & stout           8,0       0,500       91,80
3967301Holtens Nesten BlondLys ale           6,0       0,750    151,50
2258102Klostergården SaisonSaison farmhouse ale           7,0       0,500       77,80
2896002Inderøy Gårdsbryggeri Toillbokk WeizenbockHveteøl           5,9       0,500       87,10
2895602Inderøy Gårdsbryggeri Mærrabætt Amerikansk IPAIndia pale ale           5,9       0,500       87,10
2895902Inderøy Gårdsbryggeri Svinpæls TripelKlosterstil           6,7       0,500       89,00
2895802Inderøy Gårdsbryggeri Stut Foreign Extra StoutPorter & stout           6,4       0,500       86,80
2895702Inderøy Gårdsbryggeri Hainnhoinn RauchbierSpesial           6,4       0,500       86,80
2251002Færder IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,330       59,90
2239101Holtens SaisonSaison farmhouse ale           7,1       0,750    154,60
2150902Flensburger PilsenerLys lager           4,8       0,330       52,40
2150602Flensburger GoldLys lager           4,8       0,330       51,80
2177702Klostergården Devil’s Apron StoutPorter & stout           7,2       0,500       93,60
2150802Flensburger WinterbockSpesial           7,0       0,330       43,90
1957902Klostergården IPAIndia pale ale           6,7       0,500       77,40
1957802Klostergården DubbelKlosterstil           7,5       0,500       81,50
551201Holtens HveteHveteøl           5,5       0,750    144,90
900401Holtens IPAIndia pale ale           6,5       0,750    152,50
1578202Alstadberger Et StjørdalsølSpesial           6,5       0,500       94,20
849002Austmann Northie Brown AleBrown ale           5,5       0,330       49,90
849102Austmann Tre Gamle Damer BPAPale ale           5,5       0,330       47,50